My Tech Journey, In Short

My love for tech started back in senior high when I began repairing electronics, specifically PS4 controllers. Those after-school hours were all about figuring out how each part worked and how to troubleshoot. Back then, I didn't even know the importance of the right tools. Fast forward to today, I'm a web developer. I still have a soft spot for electronics, but web development is my jam now. When the pandemic hit and there wasn't much to do, I dove headfirst into my university courses and fell in love with coding. I found the same satisfaction in debugging code as I did in fixing controllers, and the rest is history!

Photo Gallery

I do believe that actions images speak louder than words. By looking at the pictures below, you can get a little grasp of what person I am outside of work.

Hover on photo in order to get more details. (I have more to add later).

Photo of Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat